Avery Wong

Avery Wong / 2024 Team Fundraising

I ride for everyone whose lives have been affected by cancer. They have every reason to be disheartened, yet choose to be encouraging, joyful, and strong everyday. I ride to fight battles for those who cannot. I ride to empower anyone I can.
  • $8,906


  • $6,000


  • 27


  • 5

    Days Remaining

Recent Transactions

  • Sandy Lelinski

    $154.80 / 29 days ago

  • Michelle Ramage

    $41.28 / 35 days ago

  • Kathleen Bauman

    $206.40 / 51 days ago

  • Kimberly Strenk

    $103.20 / 52 days ago

  • Ronald Long

    $103.20 / 54 days ago

    It was great having dinner with you in Santa Fe. All of the best of the rest of your ride.

  • Ronald Long

    $103.20 / 54 days ago

    It was great meeting you in Santa Fe. All of the best on the rest of your ride.

  • Karen Pearce

    $25.80 / 63 days ago

    Have a blast!! So very proud of you!

  • Yvonne Wong

    $1,000.00 / 63 days ago

    You are my hero! We are so proud of you and your sacrifice for this worthy cause. Godspeed! xoxo Mom, Dad, Mason and Milo

  • Anonymous

    $100.00 / 67 days ago

    Avery, so proud of your commitment to help others. You are an inspiration! We will be praying for you during this amazing journey ❤️

  • Heather Hatfield

    $154.80 / 80 days ago

    You got this Avery! So proud of you!! Heather

  • Lauren Limonciello

    $25.80 / 81 days ago

    GOOOO AVERY!! Pedal faster!

  • Nadia Larson

    $103.20 / 82 days ago

    We love you, Avery, and are cheering for you in this big adventure! Can’t wait to hear all about it!!!

  • Angela Hisanaga

    $25.80 / 89 days ago

    Go Avery, Go!

  • Kimberly Whitfield

    $154.80 / 93 days ago

    Who-hoo!!! What an epic adventure!!! I’m so excited for you! Pedal hard! Pedal On! Keep on Pedaling!!

  • Anonymous

    $105.26 / 112 days ago

    Outstanding, Avery! We will be praying for y'all during this amazing journey. - McArthur clan

  • Anonymous

    $103.20 / 129 days ago

    Avery, Grandma is very proud of what you are doing with Texas 4000 for Cancer, go for it 👍

  • Caitlyn Goodfellow

    $51.60 / 137 days ago

    Good luck Avery!

  • Jason Yunker

    $103.20 / 137 days ago

  • Jeffrey Fellows

    $500.00 / 144 days ago

  • Carolyn Eppinette

    $51.60 / 159 days ago

    This is such a wonderful thing that you are doing to help others! We will definitely be praying for you on your ride!

  • Laura Devaney

    $100.00 / 160 days ago

    Avery, you're so inspiring! God bless the amazing work you and the team are doing, and God bless all the people these efforts will help. I hope to see updates along the ride, and will keep you in my prayers.

  • Peter Ching

    $258.00 / 161 days ago

    Way to go Avery!

  • Julie Sabuda

    $20.64 / 167 days ago

    Avery, so very proud of your thoughtfulness, commitment and determination! You got this!

  • Susan Kemmerer

    $103.20 / 171 days ago

  • Lisa Harris

    $25.80 / 219 days ago

    What an adventure - enjoy the journey !

About Avery Wong

I discovered Texas 4000 for Cancer when I was in 8th grade, and what instantly struck me was the collective character of the riders. Texas 4000 was one of the first organizations where a group of people seemed to exemplify what it means to be selfless, compassionate, and united under a common goal: kick cancer’s butt. To think there was a group of UT students that would give up an entire summer to ride on a bike across the country blew my mind. I was both amazed by how crazy yet utterly cool these college kids were and since then, I knew I had to be a part of this organization. 

It’s been awhile since 8th grade, and as I’ve grown up, I’ve seen the ways cancer has impacted the lives of so many people I know. In high school, I was involved in our annual “Relay for Life” event benefiting the American Cancer Society. From 6PM to 2AM, various student organizations would pledge their support via continuously walking around the track. Like Texas 4000, Relay For Life is a beautiful way to demonstrate supporting the fight against cancer. Whether it's walking for 8 hours or biking for an entire summer, cancer never stops, so neither do we. 

The most life changing part, however, was listening to survivors and affected families’ testimonies. I was always inspired by their confidence, strength, and vulnerability despite talking to an audience of hundreds. Every speaker chose to tell their story with encouragement, joy, and strength, despite discussing a very vulnerable and sad time of their lives. They truly embodied what it means to “fight cancer”, and their stories continue to inspire me today. 

For 11 years, “Relay for Life” was run by a very special lady–Kirsten Mulligan. If I were to pinpoint a high school role model, it would be her. She is a contagious, energetic ray of sunshine. Even on the longest days of the year, she never failed to energize my day, put a smile on my face, or make my difficult days a little better.

The fall of my senior year, Mrs. Mulligan’s husband passed away from cancer. Through her experience, I saw the way cancer could overtake one’s life. Yet even in her mourning, though she had every reason to withdraw, she chose to celebrate his life through her actions. Every day, Mrs. Mulligan chose to show up to school and still be a source of resounding positivity, so strong it would radiate through the entire school. Despite losing her husband, her strength never wavered. I especially ride for the Mulligan family, because after years of being encouraged and supported by Mrs. Mulligan, I want to dedicate my journey as a way to give back even an ounce of her love.

Though the summer ride will be both physically and mentally grueling, I’ll carry these stories along with me. And when there are moments of doubt and wanting to quit, I know that in riding for a community greater than myself, I’ll continue on. While I’ve been blessed to not lose a loved one to cancer, I’ve seen how it’s affected the lives of my dearest people. I’m not biking for myself, but rather for people who have lost their battle for cancer, those currently battling cancer, and the vast community of people supporting their loved ones in their fight against cancer. I ride for everyone whose lives have been affected by cancer. They have every reason to be disheartened, yet choose to be encouraging, joyful, and strong everyday. I ride to fight battles for those who cannot. I ride to empower anyone I can.

I thank God for being able to engage in this organization. Texas 4000 truly embodies driven, selfless, and compassionate people, and I am honored to play my part in the fight against cancer through Texas 4000. 

To Alaska and beyond,
Avery Wong